Remedy of Vastu — Emotional Independence- Chapter-3

Deepanshu Giri
6 min readApr 25, 2022


In all these chapters some portion is taken from my upcoming book — “Rituals of Happy Soul” Soon book will be released as well.

This is chapter-3 of Internal Vastu where we are discussing that how by aligning the five elements inside the body, we can get align with the energy of universe and be able to receive guidance in subtle form.

There is something so special about universe which I have noticed in isolation that it does give hints and energy burst in head so we can think in another direction. Have you ever wondered how and why we make certain decisions in life ?

Such as why we chose to do engineering/ medical or accounts after school ? When we get chance to work in foreign land why we said yes without hesitation ? If today someone comes up with a business plan of sure profit what will be your answer ?

The reason for all these decisions was that we were programmed by everyone around us and tricked into the race that we need to do this to become successful instead of understanding our own requirements we tend to go with the flow and when you ignore the voice which is inside and continue on a path designed by someone else, You are going against your will and then we start to suffer.

I mean Universe might have created you for becoming a painter by giving you a wonderful combination of 10th lord in 3rd house but you were forced to become the lower frequency version of the same combination by doing a marketing MBA, You see the combination has worked but on a lower frequency end.

As your natural talent of several lifetimes was some skill set related to hands but you wasted it by using it to trick people into buying stuff.

So to listen to our inner voice we need to reduce the noise around us so we can understand the deep hidden meaning of various things happening around us, but most of the time the internal turmoil is due to unsettling emotions due to we are not able to focus on anything and to make sure we can focus on our own development. I want you to become bit selfish.

Yes you heard it right, I want you to become selfish when it comes to your emotional health and it is going to disturb lot of people but that is ok as in long term you will thank me for this decision.

Imagine your emotional body as a 100 room hotel that is open 24/7 and it can make you a lot of money but the problem is a lot of people in this hotel are living rent-free such as your ex-partner, ex-boss, your competitors, colleagues, and issue with these people are that these people you are involved emotionally and even today if they are good with you, chances are very high that these people will hurt you badly one day as it has happened in past and it will happen again.

So from today onwards whenever someone does not treat you right, someone creates a pain in your emotional body by their actions and truth is closer the person is, greater that person can hurt you so slowly we are going to chuck out people from our life to whom we are attached emotionally and we will first start with professional circle.

As an astrologer whenever I get emotional in chart, I can hardly predict but when i become extremely rude with client and become blunt in predictions, My predictions goes right and this is only because the emotional brain kicks in you will never be able to see things which are about to come, this happens in real life as well. It is due to emotions only we trust people.

Once your emotional body is in control and people who are living rent-free, you have chuck them out of your world, you will realize there is so much of peace in your world and now instead of thinking about someone else now you can think about yourself.

As when you will have little external influence from other people in life, then your every action will not be as people expect but it will be what you want to do in life as when earlier you were taking decisions it was solely due to peer pressure and external noise as you were so disconnected from your own true nature and feel that you didn’t even know what was the right decision.

Just because all of your friends were doing engineering or a particular subject, you thought that you will not be able to survive without a certain degree, certain salary, placement, or city and the truth is you are not dependent on any of these factors.

Now some of your decisions will be shocking and unusual for people around you as you might deny moving to particular city or decide to work in a different field altogether but all this is happening as now you are listening to yourself.

Astrology is a data science which does explain effect of a particular planet in particular position but it is so unique that every person has a different destiny, as every planet has a specific bandwidth of frequency.

When there are a lot of external signals and you are barely able to listen to the radio station with a lot of disturbance by just tuning in to frequency the results are vague in life as well but when you shut down external noises and try to go for a specific high tuned frequency not only results are clear but life is also streamlined.


Once you are ready emotionally then only you can understand the sounds of universe and I will discuss this in my next chapter of the series.

To balance the water element in your life, one remedy you should do in terms of Vastu is placing picture of your kids, spouse and most important your gurus, parents and any of those people who are back bone of your life to be on North wall of your house. This also means anything fiery and which gives sense of achievement should not be on this wall.

What will happen once you established this wall in your house is — there is going to be negative outflow first and people will behave strangely for first few weeks as this is energy settlement period but in long run things will get better as you will gain emotional control.

Your wall of Emotions

The second part of the remedy we will discuss in next part once you can try this and post this feedback and then people who will be interested in live podcast, we can invite them.

Do let us know in comments about article and very soon we will be able to pre-launch book “Rituals of Happy Soul” — A book which contains rituals for happy life and how to live life without guilt and fear.

I have written this book for people who are searching for happiness in life, for people who are stuck in situations and to make them happy there is a ritual in universe- which is coming soon. In case you wish to rituals for married life and prosperity we have given out in detail in Lunar Astro Magazine as well.

Lunar Astro Magazine One Year Subscription — 2022 [Hardcopy + Pdf] — 𝐋𝐮𝐧𝐚𝐫-𝐀𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨



Deepanshu Giri
Deepanshu Giri

Written by Deepanshu Giri

Astrologer and Teacher of Vedic Astrology | Founder of LUNAR ASTRO VEDIC ACADEMY [] | Under water robotics engineer.

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