Jyestha — The King
King and Guru don’t deserve happiness- Happiness for both of them comes through either students or People.
राजा और गुरु को सुख का कोई अधिकार नहीं। समाज की सेवा से ही सुख का उदगम संभव है।
Pushya and Jyestha nakshatra although brilliant they are but will not get happiness until and unless they serve the masses of work for people under them.
This is a chant to understand the greatness of Indra- Vedas saw so much of fault in Indra but the other side of Indra was never mentioned and this is what Jyestha nakshatra it while on the other hand greatness of Guru has been all over while negative part is hardly discussed.
Imagine labor who does physical labor during the day and at the night he requires alcohol as a muscle relaxant as it is a fermented syrup of fruits that takes control of the brain and helps them sleep. People who do physical labor on a level where the body pains at night know the feeling.
While a rajasic person takes Soma which is to increase metabolism and take the stress off from the mind and this is a Som as far as my understanding of atharveda is given.
Saints take chilam to go into zero state and connect their brain and energy to the state of Shiv. Although there are numerous benefits that pharma companies will never want a common man to take it once a while such as no cataract, No diabetes, joint pains, BP, and several others when I posted the same on FB the post was marked unsafe and deleted.
Atharved is what is Science of Religion and it is so much of making sense for a lot of things -Such as why you should cover the head while doing pooja -Read this on my FB page- Lunar-Astro | Facebook
Affliction to Jyestha nakshatra will result in fall from power and bad name propagating more rather than your good deeds and age of 43 is critical for these natives in life as this is when the challenges in life will come and they might not be able to retain power in life.
Atharveda says an interesting line — “Indra sam Jeevan” which translates to live like an Indra this year and Indra do not show mercy on enemies as he is the one who makes all the rules of battleground and to plan it — He keeps realxed by music, dance and Som as all of these things help him think and plan.
Scorpio is a fermented item and it also contains things such as — Yogurt, Bread, cheese, wine anything which contains enzymes belongs to Scorpio due to the effect of Ketu and interestingly by consuming yogurt your BP comes down and you can think positively, by listening to Raag your brain patterns align so work on these habits in this particular year and more than going anywhere yourself -find people who can do work for you as this is what Indra does.
My naman to the god of thunder -who is brave and rules all the exotic pleasures of the world, who holds the key to heaven and grant wishes to everyone.
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