Lal- Kitab Vs Vedic Astrology
Both of them are accurate and explain dictums in their own style- The issue is how you want to interpret it.
Vedic astrology still had scholars in past- who interpreted various commentaries on classical astrology books, Giving an insight to -how to decode any sutras?
On the other hand, a lot of injustice to lal-Kitab has been done by astrologers -One is who is practicing never thought of going in the deep meaning of why any certain remedy has been prescribed and secondly the ones who consider this book as some kind of totka book.
Let me give you an example-Venus is a significator of wife in the natal chart and is in the 6th house of enemies -it is considered debilitated and shows bad results in terms of a relationship.
While Lal- Kitab says if Venus is in 6th house a person should marry -an ugly looking -fat, dark-skinned girl.
Reason being- 6th house is a natural house of mercury and this person has a habit to ask a lot of questions and doubts regarding wife and due to this his married life will not be good -Also before marrying this person will have numerous amounts of doubt regarding the spouse as he is being extra cautious due to which he will not be able to get married or spoil his married life.
What lal-Kitab gives out as a remedy is — Do not Juge women and go and marry the most bad part of it- Although once a person accepts this that I am not going to judge women regarding his color, looks or character his married life gets better and this works for genders.
I have seen a lot of 6th houses Venus people-during consultations their complaints regarding spouse are illogical and will not make sense and the trust is missing in relationships.
My advice to you is Learn -Lal Kitab -If you want but go in the deeper meaning of every remedy and find out a reason for it.
Below is one of the Videos -Where during I was explaining this concept in my class.