Navansh and Nadi techniques
Every single planet in chart gets a position depending on various factors of past life and it is a very useful tool to see what will be the course of native’s life journey.
I am going to explain Jupiter in this article and then readers can apply same principle to other planets to get results.
This is principle from Nadi literature-Look at the position of Jupiter and tell the condition where the native was born as Jupiter is taken as Jeev karaka in nadi astrology — A very simple principle of nadi regarding Jupiter is -If Jupiter does not have any planet in 2/12 to its position — no one helps the native in his life.
Now If someone is born with exalted Jupiter and other combinations in 2/12 and 7th from Jupiter supports -native is born in a big house and now the if same Jupiter is debilitated in rasi chart and exalted in D-9 then over a period of time native progress in life and rise big.
Similarly- If a Jupiter is exalted in Rasi chart and debilitated in Navansh and has not acquired Pushkar bhag- Native is going to go downwards from that position only if Jupiter does not get support from other planets- If other planets support Jupiter then due to significations of that particular planet -native will be able to manage things- So it is never the debilitation of one planet which will cause the downfall of the native- Several other factors have to contribute to this in Rasi and navansh both.
See the chart of the native below.
Jupiter is debilitated and 12th to Jupiter is Rahu aspected by Sun and Mercury- The native was born in ordinary family in a undeveloped area of the city.
Jupiter is benefic varga in navansh and also supported by several planets such as Exalted moon and is placed in Karam-amsa- The native is in food business and has rise to a great level in life but only with the support of others.
If this Jupiter would have been badly afflicted in Navansh as well then it would have not been possible.